Episode 03: Free To Be Me


This Episode is to challenge you young ladies to like inside you and find the real her because like me I know you have placed her deep down to hide the pain and the scares and so you figure if I could just be what the world needs, they’ll except me. That’s where your wrong the world will never except you no matter how hard you tried because believe it or not you were never meant to fit in. Bouncing around to foster home after foster home left me broken and confused, confused to the point that I went out into the world looking for all of the things that my parents didn’t give me. It’s time to take the mask off because once you do that, you will finally find out who you are and not what the world says you are. Once I found out who I was and the things I was capable of doing it gave me a sense of peace and I no longer was afraid to let the world see the real me, the goofy, corny, shy Ashlee. I battled with the little girl inside of me for years, we both were trying to be heard but from two different places. This went on for a very long time until I sat that little girl down (mentally) and told her how sorry I was for leaving her behind, for not giving her a voice, for not protecting us from the world. I know I can’t change the past, but I can certainly change my future and so can you. I want you to write a letter to yourself and tell yourself all of the things you would like to hear and all the things you would like to do and lastly all of the things you would like the world to know about you. If you are older and you are past 18, I want you to write a letter to the younger you and follow the same steps. Writing this letter give you the opportunity to say how you feal, forgive yourself, and start your healing process to a better you.

Thank you for being here with me on today’s episode, if you want to converse with me or ask me some questions feel free to send me an email or send me a message on anyone of my social channels which are linked all throughout my website. I love you ladies and if nobody has told you yet today you are beautiful and you are enough.

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Episode 02: The Start Of Something New