Navigating Life’s Challenges With Spiritual Wisdom

Welcome to the Heal Her Blog, to me healing is not just a journey but a lifestyle. I personally feel that because we go through things on a daily basis and are constantly going through some type of hardship, we are always needing to heal from something that has caused us pain, especially when you walk into a relationship with Jesus. In this article I will be going over a few ways on how we can navigate through the hardships with the word of God and knowing his Voice.

John 10: 3 & 14

'“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out”.

“I am the good Shepard; I know my sheep and my sheep know me”.

Because God makes it clear that His sheep knows his voice, we should be very attentive when He speaks however that is not always the case for us because we tend to put more energy into the worrying of the problem instead of what God is telling us to do, or another one is that we have not matured in our walk with God and so we don’t know the difference between our voice and His voice. The good news is that God is very patient with us and very forgiving, so he does give us time to develop in whatever stage we are in. It took me a while to know the difference in what I am telling myself or what God was telling me, and I still have the times where I second guess somethings, which leads me into the purpose of this article. I want to give you a few ways that you can distinguish God’s voice and your own.

  1. God will never contradict what He says in His word

So what I mean by this is that if God says in His word to love thy neighbor and you're trying to figure out if you should pay someone back for the wrong that they have cause you and something is telling you to do it, then that’s not God because loving your neighbor doesn’t mean causing them harm. Or another example is that if God word says that He would never leave us nor forsake us, and you feel like God is not with you or is not answering your prayers it’s a lie from the pit of hell if you're telling yourself that God is not in the midst. His word cannot come back void once it’s set forth to do something.

Isaiah 55:11

so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

2. God will keep putting the words He has spoken on your heart.

When God reveals something to you or tell you to do something He will continue to keep putting it on your heart, this is either by sending confirmation through a person, place or thing. It will get to the point where you have no choice but to give in to what is saying, usually when something comes to mind and it’s from us it tends to come and go, and it has a lot to do with self-glorifying then glorifying the Father.

3. When it’s from God the task seems impossible.

Anytime God gives us something the task always seems impossible; God never gives us something that we can do in our own strengths because 1 He wants us to always depend on Him and to seek His guidance and 2 it’s always for Him to get the Glory out of whatever He is calling you to do. The minute we start moving into our own will we tend to leave God out and move out of the will of God.

4. Get into the secret place.

To truly hear from God and to know what God is saying to you, you want to get i that secret place with God where it’s just you and Him. You have to block out all the noise so that it will not be any interference when God is speaking. This requires a little discipline on your end meaning you have to put your phone on DND, get off social media, tell your friends you will talk to them later and whatever else it is you need to do to spend time with the Father.

5. Fasting

Fasting is one of the most pivotal ways to seek God’s face, this is the time where the spirit man in you will become so sensitive to God’s voice and the flesh becomes very weak. In order to know what to fast from or how to fast I would advise you to pray on it and do some research on the ways of fasting if you are unclear on how to fast. Also, you really need to analyze your life and see where who you are giving most of your time to and if it’s not God then I advise you to start there.

Now in this article are just a few ways on how to hear from God and to know when He is speaking to you and although these are my personal view points on the matter I would strongly incourage you to look deeper into what I am saying. I pray that you have found this blog helpful and I pray that you have a blessed week!

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