When You Know Better

This week I challenge you ladies to spend some time researching information about the women you want to become, so what that looks like is you utilizing whatever resource you have access to such as a library, a phone, tablet, computer, your roll model, etc. Instead of you spending countless ours on the internet looking at videos that don’t align with your purpose try looking at videos that are teaching you something that you didn’t know yesterday or read a book. Open up your mind to want to grow and want to learn new things, by you doing this you are positioning yourself to get one step closer to a better version of yourself and making a way out of your situation.

I know you have probably heard you will never amount to anything or someone telling you, you can’t do something, use that as fuel to want to learn more, want to grow, want to evolve. The minute someone tells you, you can’t you need to show them you can and not that you need to prove anything to anyone because you don’t. However when we hear someone tear us down we tend to stay in that moment and allow that to define who we become later. I used to hear that very thing when I was younger and for a long time I believed it and I did exactly what they told me I was which was nothing.

In order for me to reach my potential I had to go throw things to break me down and show me that this is not how I want the rest of my life to be. What I show and tell you ladies is real moments and situations that happened in my life so that you can see if God did it for me He will do it for you. Your situations and circumstance don’t define who you are, out of all that I went through it challenged me to become what I am now. I am now married with four children, I am an entrepreneur, I found a relationship with God and now I have a platform to speak to young ladies like you to encourage you to keep pushing.

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