Episode 01: Favored In The Wilderness


know you have been through a lot and I know it seems like your situation is never going to change but just for a moment I need you to look over your life and see how many time God has had his hand on you. In the book of Joseph he was hated by his own brothers and they were trying to have him killed and if it wasn't for Reuben, one of Josephs brothers, he would have been dead. Even though Reuben was amongst the brothers plotting against Joseph, he still felt bad. Instead of them taking Joseph out they sold him to the Ishmaelites, just in this moment alone God was with Joseph and spared his life. When Joseph finally made it to Egypt and was placed in front of the Egyptian master God instantly gave him favor. The ironic thing about this is that Joseph didn't even do anything to warrant favor and just like us he didn't ask to be there either. In Genesis 39:2 it says The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master. When we're in those tough situations such as being abused, taking away from your parents, being molested or whatever your situation is, we tend to question God and curse Him trying to figure out why did He allow it in the first place. One thing we fail to realize is that God didn't put us there but in the midst of it He did sustain you through it, and when I say that I mean He still allowed you to wake up even though you probably felt like you no longer wanted to be here. Being cast out by his brothers wasn't the only thing Joseph experienced, he was lied on by the Egyptian master's wife because she wouldn't go to bed with him and so when she told the master he believed her so the master put Joseph in jail. Here is where it really gets interesting the warden put him in charge of all the prisoners in the jail, why you ask because the favor of the Lord was with him. In Genesis 39:21 it says the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.You may suffer but it'll only be for a little while, I'm not saying it's right but God's going see you through so take a moment and reflect on those little moments where what could have happened didn't. God will turn your pain into purpose if you let him but He has to get you to a place where you completely give it all to him and say Lord I trust you, I'm willing to be used by you. This episode was to encourage you and to give you hope so that you can continue to push forward.

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Episode 04: Purpose In The Pain


Episode 02: The Start Of Something New